
2021-2022 Tution and Fees
Tuition: $16,125
Books and Materials: $600
You'll receive a $100 tuition discount if your daughter is registered, and you pay your pre-registration deposit, before the pre-registration deadline.
The student activity fee covers school field trips, but not entertainment, snacks, eating out, occasional local transportation, door-to-door costs of visits home and back if out of town, or optional activities such as Shabbaton and class trips.
When you write checks to the school, please make sure to specify what each is for in the Memo space, so we can credit it properly.
To provide funding the school needs, each NEAT family is required to raise $1,800 each year, by either (1) buying and/or selling Scholarship Raffle tickets, (2) buying and/or selling yearbook advertisements, or (3) soliciting or making donations to the Scholarship Fund. If you raise more than $1,800 any year, we'll credit either all of the overage (up to $5,000 per student) to next year's donation or 25% of it (up to $250 per student) to next year's tuition.
Girls from out of town board with host families in homes that best match their personalities and hashkafa and where the families are true Jewish role models for them. They become a part of the family and later share personal simchos with their boarding families and the community.
Boarding costs $5,000 per school year, in ten monthly installments starting September 1, by check payable to the host family.
Please call our Financial Office at 401-331-5327, ext. 11, if you have any questions.