General Studies

Reading, enjoying, and critically writing about the best of world literature throughout NEAT's Implications of Literature sequence develops students' proficiency in reading and comprehension, as well as in oral and written communication. Specific instruction in the elements of good writing combines with challenging, thought-provoking essay topics to build written communication skills. Offered both at college preparatory and honors levels.
NEAT offers two different structures for learning high-school math.
There's an advanced-pace, traditional, text-based starting with Algebra I.
And for girls who learn at a more individualized pace, there's a blended-learning sequence, which targets the score math curriculum to each girl's personal learning path through a combination of ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) software and individual and small-group instruction from the teacher. Using an artificial intelligence engine and adaptive questioning to determine exactly what each girl does and doesn't know, ALEKS designs a personalized learning path on the exact topics each specific student is ready to learn, creating tremendous learning momentum and propelling each student toward success.
- Transitions students from arithmetic to algebra and geometry
- Reinforces arithmetic skills by applying them to analyzing data, solving problems and equations, and other new mathematical situations
Algebra I
- Introduces students to the language of mathematics
- Properties of real numbers, solving equations, combining rational expressions, graphing, inequalities, systems of equations, quadratic equations, applications, and problem-solving
- Students learn geometric figures and proofs and apply arithmetic and algebra to solve geometric problems
- Basic geometric vocabulary and notation, two-column proofs, congruent triangles, parallelism, perpendicularity, polygons, similarity, the Pythagorean Theorem, circles, loci, basic constructions, areas, and volume
Algebra II
- Reviews and extends students' knowledge and skill in algebraic computation
- Postulates of real numbers, extension of the laws of exponents, factoring polynomials, solving linear and quadratic equations, using matrices to solve systems with two or three unknowns, inequalities, simplifying rational expressions, conic sections, complex numbers, and linear, quadratic, exponential, and logarithmic functions
Advanced Algebra and Trigonometry
- For students who want to increase their math options but don't plan on taking calculus in college
- Very similar to a college algebra course
- 1st Semester – Extended study of algebraic functions, including math induction, sequences, and series
- 2nd Semester – Algebra of the trigonometric functions and their applications
- For students planning to take math or science in college
- Special functions: greater integer, circular, trigonometric, polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic
- Analytic geometry: rectangular and polar coordinate systems, conic sections, parametric curves
- Optional topics: mathematical induction, permutations, combinations, probability, rotation of axes
- Sequences and summation, conic sections, mathematical induction, matrices, vectors
- Introduction to the concept of limit from both an intuitive and formal approach
- Definition of and techniques for finding the derivative, curve sketching, practical applications
- Concept of and techniques for finding the integral and its basic application

NEAT offers regular and honors-level courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
Biology I
- Introduces students to the Cell Theory, mitosis, classical and molecular genetics, and modern taxonomy as the basis for studying living systems
- Starting with simple, prokaryotic life forms, students examine the morphology, habitat, biochemistry or life processes, life cycles and reproduction, ecology and interaction with humans, of representative phyla or organisms, working their way through the six kingdoms of life forms toward the animal kingdom
- Study combines text, lecture, laboratory work, model, dissection, and video resources
Biology II
- Focuses on the morphology, habitat, biochemistry, life cycles and reproduction, ecology, and interaction with humans of animals
- Study combines text, lecture, laboratory work, model, dissection, and video resources
Chemistry I
- This study of the composition of matter and chemical reactions starts with the Scientific Method, scientific notation and significant figures, the metric system and strategies of problem-solving
- Basic understanding of the atomic structure, chemical names and formulas, calculating chemical quantities, stoichiometry, and chemical reactions
- Laboratory work augments lectures
Chemistry II
- States of matter, thermochemistry, behavior of gases and solutions, electron configuration, introduction to quantum physics from a chemistry perspective
- Increased investigation of chemical periodicity, ionic and covalent bonds, the special properties of water, acids and bases, and oxidation-reduction reactions
- Laboratory work augments lectures
- Throughout the year, this course covers all areas of high-school physics, encouraging students to question much of what they take for granted in both science and regular experiences
- Student-friendly laboratories fully engage students in hands-on, understandable experimentation
- Introduces students to the long history of classical physics, from the ancient Greeks through today
- Compares atomic versus continuous theories of matter
- Newtonian physics (classical mechanics), thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, wave phenomena, the electromagnetic spectrum, introduction to quantum mechanics, and modern theories of particle physics
Science Foundations
- Through student learning, engagement, and dialogue and with basic textbooks reflecting an integrated approach to science, this course gives students a foundation in science knowledge, laboratory techniques, and current developments
- Students sample scientific disciplines including Earth Science, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology
- Each student learns simple graphing and science calculations, basic laboratory procedures and Smartboard use and keeps her own Science Journal
- Senior-level Honors class by invitation only, based on demonstrated excellence in Honors Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
- Combines lectures in biochemical pathways and physiology; lab work including dialysis, chromatography and gel electrophoresis; weekly seminars reviewing cutting-edge research from scientific journals, and analyzing science articles in mainstream media
- Each student completes an independent research project
Social Studies
United States History I-II
- This year-long course begins by exploring the earliest immigrants to America's societies and examining the impact of events in Asia, Europe, and Africa and the origins of imperialism and colonialism
- It goes on to examine the effects of the Renaissance, Enlightenment,and Reformation, along with the philosophies and documents advocating legal rights which became foundations of the American experiment
- Students analyze the role that the vision of personal opportunity and freedom played as colonies were founded, grew, threw off European control, and transformed themselves into an independent republic founded on federalism and democratic ideals
- They study the relation between industrialization, capitalism, expansionism, and sectionalism and the Civil War and Reconstruction and explore the changes the nation underwent as it took its place on the world stage of World War I, enjoyed a period of unprecedented prosperity, only to endure an abyss of economic and social despair, a whirlwind of social and economic reform, and face the dark storms of totalitarianism blowing in from Western Europe
United States History III
- Continues examining the 300-year-old American experiment and the United States' challenges from the mid-20th Century, beginning with World War II, through the early 21st
- Explores the challenge of the “isms” – Fascism, Communism, modern imperialism, and expansionism – as the country moves from hot war to Cold War
- Covers issues of immigration, assimilation, anti-Semitism, the United States' relationship with Israel, and the emergence of a post-9/11 United States and its War in Terrorism
World History I-II
- Traces humanity's progressive struggle to overcome its innate oppression and injustice with its potential for greatness and tolerance through the end of the 19th Century
- Introduces early Asian, African, and Middle Eastern cultures
- Focuses on Greco-Roman civilizations' contributions to modernity
- Explores the movements and historical periods which bridged the ancient and modern worlds – the spread of monotheism, the Dark Ages, the Later Middle Ages, the formation of Europe, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the Age of Exploration, and the Enlightenment
- Throughout the course, students examine the patterns of interaction between geographically, culturally, religiously, and politically diverse peoples
- As they study the modern era of humanity, students will examine imperialism, nationalism, militarism, and the struggle of the world's peoples against oppression and toward independent nationhood
- Throughout the year, students will always consider the Jewish experience against the backdrop of the historical world at large
World History III
- One-semester course exploring the emergence of the world into the 20th Century and beyond
- Highlights the War to End All Wars, the even greater war that followed, and the continuation of world conflict
- Examines terrorism, global interdependence, and the zeitgeist of world democracy
- The question of Israel's security and well-being will be an underlying theme
- This one-semester course explores how the idealistic notions of a safe, secure Jewish homeland became concrete reality with the founding of the modern State of Israel
- Examines the exciting and explosive events that played out as the Zionist dream came true
- Analyzes political and geographic tensions, the sequence of military campaigns, conflicts, wars, treaties, negotiations, and dilemmas that Israel has faced and continues to face
Landmark Cases of the Supreme Court
- Surveys the most significant and dispositive legal matters adjudicated by the nation's most prominent jurists since the Supreme Court's establishment in 1789
- Introduces students to the judicial system's vocabulary and organization
- Highlights the United States Supreme Court's responsibilities, as defined in Article III of the Constitution and as subsequently redefined by the precedent of case law
- After the landmark case of Marbury v. Madison introduces students to the concept of judicial review, they read and analyze many other important cases whose decisions have shaped and informed American governmental, economic, and social policy, exploring cases which address freedom of religion, separation of religion and government, free speech, racial equality, medical ethics, and many more topical issues