NEAT Student Life

About 40% our school population consists of girls from other cities who board in Providence. They have come from Israel, Toronto, Baltimore, Texas, Pittsburgh, Passaic, Lakewood, Brooklyn, Monsey, and West Hartford. The school is careful to place boarding students in homes that best match their personality and hashkafa. The school has published a complete boarding manual that describes life as a boarder in NEAT.
As a boarding school, although small in size, we offer our girls a full complement of special activities geared towards allowing every girl the opportunity to shine both socially and academically.
These activities include:
- Newport Retreat - The school year begins with a retreat to Newport, RI. In Newport students bond together and are exposed to specialty workshops.
- Student Council - NEAT Student Council is a vibrant organization that is run by the students. Students prepare Rosh Chodesh activities, Color War, school newspaper, canteen, and much more.
- Production - The annual school production allows our young ladies to shine in song, dance, drama, scenery, lighting, and playbill creation.
- Swim - Girls swim is available twice weekly at the JCC.
- Shabbatonim - The school sponsors a variety of student Shabbatonim. This past year, the entire school was inspired at the home of Rabbi Ben Tzion Klatzko in Monsey, NY.
- Oneg - There is a weekly oneg held on Friday night at the homes of the staff and administration.
- Melave Malke - Melave Malke and other Motzei Shabbos activities are held at the home of Rabbi and Mrs. Scheinerman.
- Mock Trial - Students compete against other local schools in live courtroom drama.
- Mishmeres - Mishmeres heads prepare a variety of Mishmeres activities based on the Chofetz Chaim Heritage curriculum.
- Trips and Sunday activities - The school has sponsored annual trips which allowed our students exposure to skiing, tubing, skating, and whirly ball trips.