About NEAT

More than Half a Century of Excellence
Welcome to New England Academy of Torah, the oldest Jewish High School in Rhode Island. New England Academy of Torah is committed to the highest level of scholarship and academic excellence in both Torah and General Studies. Half a century and hundreds of graduates later, we are tremendously proud of what we have achieved. Our graduates have become our young Jewish leaders of tomorrow, excelling in the finest seminaries and universities.
We, at New England Academy of Torah, are committed to the belief that every Jewish child should be afforded the opportunity to have the highest quality Jewish education. Our graduates leave our school with a deep love for, and understanding of, Judaism and the Torah way of life. As their entry into top-level colleges and universities would attest, our students receive a superior secular education as well.
The New England Academy of Torah is a place where students not only study, but mature - becoming young women who are fully integrated with the world around them. We strive to create in our students the desire to recognize the need for a broad exposure to the full spectrum of human knowledge and potential. We help them realize that the deeper and richer their exposure to life’s experiences, the greater their awareness of Hashem. The result is an ongoing growth of commitment to Torah Judaism.