Specialty Subjects

In addition to our curriculum in Judaic and secular studies, a curriculum designed to appeal to a range of abilities and interests, we offer a selection of electives. Electives are subject to the interests of the students, as well as to the teachers and volunteers who share their skills with us. A large majority of our student population also participates in extra-curricular activities, such as Production, Mock Trial, and student leadership/government.
- The library is open for student and staff use from 8:30 until 4:00 pm, Monday through Thursday and from 8:30 am until 2:00 pm on Friday.
- Every effort is made to enhance the classroom curriculum through the usage of the library. The library is currently being reorganized to make it more user-friendly.
- NEAT students have Chromebooks and are proficient in Google Classroom.
- A NEAT classroom is equipped with a Smart Board, as is the science lab. The use of this technology offers a new, stimulating, and creative learning opportunity for our students.
- NEAT students are comfortable using computers for everyday written work, long-term papers and projects, and a variety of other uses.
- In order to facilitate students’ ability to conduct sophisticated research, the school is wired to a filtered internet connection.
Art Studio
- Art classes at NEAT are conducted in the Art Studio and are designed to teach students about the particular influences and forces that have shaped major artists. Students learn to respond to these same stimuli by drawing upon their own experience.
- Students in all grades work on still-life pencil art, shading, painting, watercolor, acrylic on canvas, and oil pastel shadings, using the appropriate supplies and materials.
- As part of the curriculum, students are exposed to the styles of prominent artists, and they then create their own interpretations of those artists’ techniques.
Science Lab
- NEAT students have access to a fully equipped science laboratory. Experiments are conducted utilizing lab tables, microscopes, Bunsen burners, and other pertinent equipment.
Physical Education Program
- The physical education classes at NEAT are geared to facilitate not only physical development, but also leadership and inclusive sportsmanship skills.
- All NEAT students have two classes per week.
- The program involves a diversity of skill-building and sports activities. It de-emphasizes concepts of winning and losing, in favor of a focus on skill, leadership, and responsibility.
- By 12th grade, students have participated and completed sports units and activities in softball, kickball, soccer, football, dodge ball, and volleyball.
- Many students have after school access to the excellent indoor facilities of the Jewish Community Center female swim hours, use of the exercise facility and the outdoor facilities of Brown University.
- The education of proper values and moral behavior is an integral part of the curriculum at NEAT. We believe that Derech Eretz (proper respect) is a prerequisite for all learning.
- Our teachers utilize stories of our great Sages and Rabbis to emphasize the development of good midos (character traits) and values.
- NEAT students perform a wide variety of chesed programs throughout the community assisting local families, shuls, and communal agencies.
- Both our Judaic and General Studies staff model, recognize, and reward good midos. Students are strongly encouraged to engage regularly in acts of charity and concern for others. As such, our students are involved in activities such as visiting the elderly in local nursing homes and raising money for worthy charities through varied student-organized activities.