
Lots to do outside the classroom
New England Academy of Torah may be a small school, burt we're big on special activities that let our girls shine socially and academically – and have lots of fun in the process:
- As each school year starts, at our Newport Retreat, students get to meet, bond, and take specialty workshops with other students from throughout the country (plus Canada and Israel) and throughout the Orthodox spectrum.
- Our Student Council organizes our school newspaper, canteen, Rosh Chodesh activities, and other fun things to do.
- In our annual school production, our young women shine in song, dance, drama, scenery, lighting, and playbill creation.
- Throughout the school year, NEAT sponsors a variety of student Shabbatonim. At one Shabbaton, for example, Rabbi Ben Tzion Klatzko inspired the entire school in his home in Monsey, NY.
- Every Friday night, members of our staff and administration welcome students to their home for a weekly Oneg Shabbos.
- Rabbi and Mrs. Scheinerman welcome students to their home for Shalosh Seudos, Melave Malka and other Motzei Shabbos activities.
- Mishmeres heads prepare a wide range of activities based on the Chofetz Chaim Heritage curriculum.
- On trips and Sunday activities, our students have fun river rafting, tubing, ice skating, and much more.