Financial Aid

Every family is entitled to afford a Jewish education for its children.
Since our founding half a century ago, New England Academy of Torah has never, ever, turned away a student for financial reasons. We remain firmly committed to the principle that each Jewish girl, regardless of her family's finances, is entitled to an excellent Jewish education. We've never discriminated against lower-income families and never intend to.
Many of our students receive some form of financial aid through our Scholarship Fund.
To carry out our commitment to admitting Jewish students regardless of financial ability, we process scholarship applications through FACTS Tuition Management Systems, a professional company that reviews applicants' detailed financial records and recommends a tuition fee based on them. Our scholarship committee then makes the final financial aid decision and issues a school contract. To assure maximum confidentiality, this committee is chaired by a person from outside the Orthodox community. Parents may appeal its decision if they feel relevant financial information has been overlooked.
FACTS then collects all tuition and fees for the upcoming school year. To sign up, please go to FACTS Tuition Management Systems.
If you have any questions in regard to financial aid or tuition, please contact Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman at 401-331-5327, ext. 21.