
We welcome you as you consider New England Academy of Torah for the education of your daughter(s). NEAT’s ability to deliver the finest education to all of our students is made possible through our dedicated faculty and committed parent body. NEAT offers a comprehensive program of excellence in all areas of study. We embrace the idea that each student is unique, and we respond to the individual needs and strengths of each student.
At New England Academy of Torah, we imbue our students with a love for life-long learning, giving them the desire and ability to become independent learners. We prepare them to be the leaders of the next generation. To accomplish our goals for our students, we at NEAT are at the forefront of change in the educational field. We maintain ambitious academic standards and constantly introduce new academic programs into the curriculum, while expanding professional development opportunities for faculty and staff. Parental and community involvement is paramount to our success, and we encourage participation of all our families in our programs. We are proud to offer the community an education of excellence, centered on Torah values, with a high quality General Studies curriculum.
To schedule a personalized visit, please call Rabbi Peretz Scheinerman at 401-331-5327 #21.
Key Points:
- New England Academy of Torah was founded in 1946. Our school started with a handful of students over sixty years ago on Waterman Street in Providence. NEAT now offers a comprehensive program in all subject areas, including Technology, Math, English, Science, Social Studies, Judaic Studies, and Hebrew Language.
- New England Academy of Torah is an educational institution of the highest caliber. It is an affiliated agency of the Jewish Alliance of Rhode Island. New England Academy of Torah has received accreditation from the Rhode Island Department of Education and Judaic accreditation from the Bureau of Jewish Education of Rhode Island. New England Academy of Torah students achieve significantly beyond the state standards and are accepted into the finest seminaries and colleges.
- Our faculty is dedicated to life-long learning. In addition to years of teaching experience, all of our teachers at New England Academy of Torah have educational degrees and are involved in school in-service that is geared to keeping them abreast of the latest educational trends. Over half of our faculty has Masters or other post-graduate degrees. New England Academy of Torah staff is encouraged to continue its professional development, and the school provides such learning opportunities throughout the year.
- At New England Academy of Torah, educating our students using cutting-edge technology is a priority. Many of our classrooms are equipped with Smart Boards (electronic whiteboards). This interactive teaching tool engages our students in active learning. In addition, we have science, music, and computer labs.
- At New England Academy of Torah, every student gets the attention that she deserves. We strive to maintain small classes (4-15 girls) in order to ensure that every student receives the attention she needs. As a small school, the teachers are aware of each student’s strengths and weaknesses, and they modify programs, through both resource and enrichment, to enable each student to reach her potential. In addition, our small classes enable each student to have individual time with her teachers.
- Enrichment is part of our ongoing program. New England Academy of Torah offers a comprehensive program of physical education, music, art, science, and computers. There are a variety of extracurricular activities including our annual drama productions, mock trial, student government activities, class trips, shabbatonim, onegs, and class trips. The school partners with the Jewish Community Center to provide our students reduced fee access to state-of-the-art gym, swim, and fitness equipment.
- Your child’s safety and well-being are of utmost importance to us. Although we are housed in a very safe area, safety is a top priority at New England Academy of Torah. The school is kept locked throughout the day. Parents and guests are allowed into the building only after being identified. Our building is equipped with security cameras as well. The school’s blacktop area is fenced in for additional security. New England Academy of Torah enjoys a special relationship with the Providence Police Department, which responds promptly to the school’s needs.
- Parents are encouraged to participate in many ways, including taking an active role in our Parents, Teachers, and Friends Association (PTF); serving on various committees; acting as room parents and parent liaisons; and assisting with class projects, fundraising, and the library. Many parents are elected to serve on the school’s Executive Committee, and they invest much time and effort on behalf of the school in this capacity.
- New England Academy of Torah families identify with the school’s goals and philosophy, which are published in our Parent Manuals. Our families are committed to supporting the educational mission of our school and view the students' education as a true home-school partnership where, working together, we can create an environment conducive to achieving excellence.