Judaic Studies

The Chumash curriculum consists of a Chumash b’iyun class/course and a separate
Chumash bekius course that meets twice a week. The focus and purpose of these classes are significantly different; learning the same sefer in both classes serves to broaden and enhance the students’ appreciation for the depth and breadth of Torah.
The focus of Chumash b’iyun is to delve into specific inyonim in the parsha with the aid of our classic, traditional meforshim. We select inyonim that form the bedrock of our emuna and hashkofa. The goal is to provide the students with a solid education and foundation through text-based learning that encourages critical thinking.
Chumash bekius is a systematic approach to the sefer focusing on Rashi’s understanding of the pesukim. Our goal is to have an overview of the sefer and familiarity with the well-known comments of Rashi in each parsha.
The Grades 9–10 Novi class is a two-year curriculum in which we learn Melochim Beis
in depth. We focus on the final kings of Yisroel and Yehuda, the miracles and challenges of the time, and the ultimate exile of both kingdoms.
At times, the class breaks in order to study the haftora of the week when it is applicable to the time period. Through individual and group study of the commentaries, the stories of Elisha haNovi and the kings come to life, giving the students a deeper understanding of the era and showing them the text's relevance to their own lives. We especially emphasize understanding the concepts of prophecy and idolatry and their significance and parallels to our time.

Neviim Acharonim: Selected Perokim from Yeshayohu and Yirmiyohu
The Neviim Acharonim curriculum is a text-based analysis of Novi emphasizing basic
concepts as illustrated by the classic commentaries. We strongly encourage student interaction and questions, our goal being to integrate classical themes and motifs represented by our mesora.
Aishes Chayil
The Aishes Chayil course is based on a medrash that attributes each posuk to one of the many noshim tzidkoniyos in Tanach. We learn each posuk as a unit unto itself, and begin with gleaning practical wisdom from the posuk in how to promote and maintain healthy relationships. Focusing on the life and challenges of the particular tzadekes depicted in each posuk provides us with the wisdom and wherewithal to confront present-day nisyonos.

Our objective is to provide broad halochic knowledge of areas covered in a way that
gives the girls a solid foundation for recognizing and formulating proper shailos.
Through learning to thoroughly understand the first 35 melochos of hilchos Shabbos, 9th and 10th graders gain a clear awareness of their application in modern-day life. Lower-grade learning also includes kashrus (bishul, pas, cholov, gevinas Yisroel), yayin sta”m, hechsher keilim, tevilas keilim, bedikas beitzim v'tolo'im, and basic bosor v'cholov.
11th and 12th graders study the remaining melochos, basic Kiddush, lechem mishne, Chol Hamoed, and Berochos (about berochos, saying berochos, netilas yodayim, kedima, shinuy mokom, hesech hadaas, devorim haba besoch haseuda, pas haba b'kisnin, berochos on fragrances, amen, and more). Before each Yom Tov, we comprehensively review the relevant halochos, and some years we cover hilchos Yom Tov.